music 2
the start was digging the trench with a backhoe
well, actually it was clearing the sagebrush and drawing a line for the backhoe to follow
music 1
tamping the ground
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family visiting, bending rebar for foundation
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starting to lay first row of bricks for stemwall
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columns are up, insulation on stem wall/foundation
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living on the land
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how the bus was set up
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putting up the oiled forms
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inside forms with bucks
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once the roof was up
working on windows
Work party. Some of my friends help me get the pro-panel to the roof
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still a lot to be done... fill in under windows, soffit, windows, insulation on columns...
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measuring for flashing
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sis is in town and helping with plaster prep
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the floor before...
starting to plaster, still no shop door

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drilling for the plumbing
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laying the radiant
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putting in the water lines and drains
music 1
ahh... the floor

Studio- I began building this 1200 square foot studio in 2003 in order to learn how to build, assuming that by the end of the building process I would have a space to construct sculpture as well as a thorough education in building that I would be able to apply to my work. My studio is a personal exercise in my artistic philosophy.


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